Freedom Unidivided Butler County Republicans
Our Goals
- Never forget that the interests of the republic trump the interests of the party.
- Organize like-minded individuals who believe in our nation's founding principles and are willing to take action to ensure that they are adhered to.
- Inform the populace of the truth pertaining to the nature of the problems endemic in our system and leadership.
- Increase citizen participation in the political process.
- Shine light on malfeasance and corruption wherever it exists within our system of governance.
- Provide mechanisms by which like-minded citizens can navigate the path to serving as elected officials. Support their efforts along the way.
- Put “We the People” back in the driver's seat by arming them with the knowledge they need to make informed voting decisions.
- Create a feedback loop in which the citizenry can indicate their will to us and then provide the support necessary to ensure that their voice is heard.
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